COMMENT from Italy: Expensive Mr Armstrong,
I simply learn your matter on volcanoes and cooling climate
Please be aware:
Etna is erupting, slowly
Stromboli had a small eruption final yr with earthquake
On 13march on Campi Flegrei, “caldara” the place Vesuvio is
Situated, had an earthquake of magnitudo 4.1
Thus it appears all italian volcanoes have indicators of “life”…:
Etna, Stromboli, Vesuvio, Vulcano
Campi Flegrei: il terremoto del 13 marzo 2025 (Md 4.4) e il punto sul bradisismo
REPLY: Sure, there may be a unprecedented variety of volcanoes beginning to come alive. Campi Flegrei is a critical supervolcano.
We are going to enter all of the latest exercise and see what the pc comes up with.